7M01210 Preschool education and upbringing
2.Educational program (EP)
4.Professional development of teaching staff
From the Center for advanced training and additional education "GALYMNUR" for advanced training for the 2021-2022 academic year of the department "Theory and methodology of preschool and primary education" Ibragimova U. B. "Modern problems of teaching Kazakh (Russian) language in primary school", Mukhtar Abenovich Ermekbayev "New technologies in education", Mukhtar Abenovich Ermekbayev passed a refresher course qualifications in the Nazarbayev university graduate school of education ackledges in the amount of 72 hours.

5.Proceedings and projects of teaching staff
The research topics of the department "Theories and methods of preschool and primary education" correspond to the thematic plan of the University B according to the strategic plan 2022-2025-21-82-11 Conducts research on the state budget topic "Actual problems of distance learning in preschool and primary classes", which consists of 3 chapters: "Improving the teaching methods of the modern Kazakh language", "Improving the organization and methodology of teaching mathematical knowledge, flexibility and skills in primary school", "Improving the methodology of teaching cycle subjects".
Conferences in periodical scientific publications of the far and near abroad
Urazbakova U.T. Aulbekova Zh.S., Baitenova R.M. Business game as one of the promising multifunctional teaching methods. Materials of the VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation: Information and Innovative technologies in Science and education. -Taganrog, Russia October 27 – 28, 2022.s.
Urazbakova U.T. Baitenova R.M., Turebekova B.A. Dialogue as a communicatively significant form of speech communication. Materials of the VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation: Information and Innovative technologies in Science and education. -Taganrog, Russia October 27 – 28, 2022.- p.
Sikhimbayeva S.M., Sikhymbayev A.E., Shyngysbaeva G.M. "From the experience of the formation of natural science literacy of younger schoolchildren".Collections of the international scientific and practical conference "Prospects for the introduction of international quality assessment programs in primary education". Tashmpu im Nizami. April 15 , 2022
Ermekbayev M.A., Dzhakibayeva K. "Bastauysh mektepte kazak tilinen syntaxisti okytu adistemesinin bastaulary" "Talimda philologiyani rivozhlantirishning global masalalari" mavzsidagi khalkaro ilmiy-amali anzhumani materialari. (Gizzakh, 2022 yil 3 May, Uzbekistan). - Gizz. - 2022. – B 351-358.
Togatai M.M. "Organization of distance learning in primary school". Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Global problems of philological development in education" (May 3, 2022) Republic of Uzbekistan Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education. Gizz. Pp. 357-362.
Textbooks methodical instructions
1. Sikhimbayeva S.M. Methodological guidelines for undergraduates OP 7M01210 – "Preschool education and upbringing" in the discipline "Modern articles of quality management of preschool education"
2. Jetpisbayeva S.O. Methodological guidelines for undergraduates OP 7M01210 – "Preschool education and upbringing" in the discipline "Theoretical and methodological problems of preschool education"
- Nogerbek, A., Ziyayeva, G., Dastan, J., Sveta, S., & Childibayev, D. Methods of forming the creative thinking and learning technology competencies of future biology teachers. Cypriot Journal of Educational Science. 17(7), 2349-2360. https://doi.org/10.18844/cjes.v17i7.7689
- Yerahmetkyzy, Z., Shyryn, A., Kulgildinova, T., Lazzat, A., Yerlan, A., & Ulbala, I. Teaching children's literature to schoolchildren through digital educational resources. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues. Volume 14, Issue 5, (2022) 1332-1342. https://doi.org/10.18844/wjet.v14i5.8093
- Zhazira Zhumabayeva, Gulnar Uaisova, Inkar Hasanovа, Sarsengul Jetpisbayeva. «Meta-subject methodology approach in the training of future primary school teachers». World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues. Volume 13, Issue 1, (2022) 21-30
- Panzabek Bagila, Baltabayeva Nargiza, Urazbayev Kurmangali, Begmanova Bibizhan and Zhantassova Zlikha Improving students ' literature assessment skills by using the Online Panel Forum Method as a Joint Learning Strategy in the Study of literature During the COVID 19 pandemic. The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly. October 2022. Volume 28, Issue 4.2
Conferences in periodical scientific publications of the far and near abroad
Urazbakova U.T. Aulbekova Zh.S., Baitenova R.M. Business game as one of the promising multifunctional teaching methods. Materials of the VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation: Information and Innovative technologies in Science and education. -Taganrog, Russia October 27 – 28, 2022.s.
Urazbakova U.T. Baitenova R.M., Turebekova B.A. Dialogue as a communicatively significant form of speech communication. Materials of the VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation: Information and Innovative technologies in Science and education. -Taganrog, Russia October 27 – 28, 2022.- p.
Sikhimbayeva S.M., Sikhymbayev A.E., Shyngysbaeva G.M. "From the experience of the formation of natural science literacy of younger schoolchildren".Collections of the international scientific and practical conference "Prospects for the introduction of international quality assessment programs in primary education". Tashmpu im Nizami. April 15 , 2022
Ermekbayev M.A., Dzhakibayeva K. "Bastauysh mektepte kazak tilinen syntaxisti okytu adistemesinin bastaulary" "Talimda philologiyani rivozhlantirishning global masalalari" mavzsidagi khalkaro ilmiy-amali anzhumani materialari. (Gizzakh, 2022 yil 3 May, Uzbekistan). - Gizz. - 2022. – B 351-358.
Togatai M.M. "Organization of distance learning in primary school". Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Global problems of philological development in education" (May 3, 2022) Republic of Uzbekistan Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education. Gizz. Pp. 357-362.
Textbooks methodical instructions
1. Sikhimbayeva S.M. Methodological guidelines for undergraduates OP 7M01210 – "Preschool education and upbringing" in the discipline "Modern articles of quality management of preschool education"
2. Jetpisbayeva S.O. Methodological guidelines for undergraduates OP 7M01210 – "Preschool education and upbringing" in the discipline "Theoretical and methodological problems of preschool education"

6. Student mobility
From 31.01.22 to 11.02.2022, 1st-year master's student Raimbekova Zukhra completed an internship at the M. Dulati Taraz Regional University. During the internship, after getting acquainted with the library fund of the university, she accumulated a lot of data on dissertations, exchanged experiences, got acquainted with the teaching staff and brought a lot of advice.
The term of the research internship by the 2nd year undergraduates of the department "Theory and methodology of preschool and primary education" is determined by the order from September 5 to October 21, 2022. The bases of practice are defined in the nursery-garden No. 45 "Akku " of the State Committee of the City of Shymkent, the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov. A preliminary agreement was concluded with the above-mentioned databases, heads, deans, heads of departments, teachers, psychologists, educators and methodologists of institutions were acquainted with the internship program. Kindergarten psychologists and group educators provided the necessary assistance in organizing the practice of undergraduates. For the organization of research practice at the department, the following preparatory work was carried out: information about applicants for practice in the 2nd year was presented. Before the internship, an orientation conference was held with undergraduates and the goals and tasks facing undergraduates were fully defined. At the pedagogical council organized by the above-mentioned collectives of the kindergarten and higher educational institution, the head, dean and head of the department acquainted the undergraduates with the teaching staff of the kindergarten, higher educational institution and told the interns about the need to create conditions for conducting research work for a specific purpose for all groups. During the practice, the kindergarten and university staff tried to provide all undergraduates with the necessary assistance in a timely manner and teach them the experience.
At the request of the internship program, the history of the institution was familiarized, a weekly plan was drawn up and work was carried out in this direction. Open lessons, psychological trainings, collection of necessary data on dissertation topics and experiments related to dissertation work, acquaintance with students with documents (educational and open lessons, conclusion of the psychological and pedagogical council, psychological and pedagogical characteristics, projective tests and data on marital status, etc.) and conducting trainings that were able to analyze. The organization of the research practice was conducted at a good level, according to plan. With the children of the selected group, the skills of social and household orientation were studied and studied. The theoretical knowledge of undergraduates developed during the processing, analysis, description, interpretation of materials accumulated during practice, and showed a high degree of skill and interest in forecasting.
At the request of the internship program, the history of the institution was familiarized, a weekly plan was drawn up and work was carried out in this direction. Open lessons, psychological trainings, collection of necessary data on dissertation topics and experiments related to dissertation work, acquaintance with students with documents (educational and open lessons, conclusion of the psychological and pedagogical council, psychological and pedagogical characteristics, projective tests and data on marital status, etc.) and conducting trainings that were able to analyze. The organization of the research practice was conducted at a good level, according to plan. With the children of the selected group, the skills of social and household orientation were studied and studied. The theoretical knowledge of undergraduates developed during the processing, analysis, description, interpretation of materials accumulated during practice, and showed a high degree of skill and interest in forecasting.

8.Academic mobility
On April 25, 2022, the Department of "Theory and Methodology of Preschool and Primary Education" of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University was visited by 4 professors, doctors in academic mobility from Bukhara State University of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Dean of the Faculty of "Preschool and Primary Education", PhD, Associate Professor Tukhsanov Kahraman Rakhimboevich; Head of the Department of "Methods of Primary Education", PhD, Professor Khamraev Alizhon Ruzikulovich; Head of the Department of "Preschool Education, PhD Kuldashev Rustambek Avezmurodovich; Associate Professor of the Department of "Methods of Primary Education", K. B.N.Sayfullaev Gulom Makhmudovich. On the day of arrival, the dean of the Faculty of "History and Pedagogy" K.P. Urazbayev and the head of the Department of "Theory and Methodology of Preschool and Primary Education" M. A. Ermekbayev shared their goals. On April 26, a seminar was held with a visit to 65 Balbulak kindergarten. On April 27, 24, a seminar was held at the S. Yerubayev School.
In October 2022, the "Nukus State Pedagogical Institute" named after Azhiniyaz, the department of Associate Professor of Primary Education of NGPI K. P. N.Kallibekova Gulyada Abdullayevna gave a lecture on the educational program 5B010200 - "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education". In order to expand and activate the range of international scientific relations, the teaching staff of the department "Theory and methodology of preschool and primary education" works on the basis of university-level contracts. Together with them, new contracts were signed with the Tashkent State Pedagogical University.Nizami and "Zhizak State Pedagogical University (Uzbekistan), Bukhara State University (Uzbekistan). Cooperation is actively conducted on the basis of these concluded contracts. 2021-2022 O. G. based on these international agreements, lectured, participated in scientific and practical conferences, organized seminars.
On a contractual basis, the Ph.D. of the Department, Associate Professor Esimekbayev M. A. and senior lecturer Ph.D. Esim Ulzhalgas Ashimovna give lectures at the A. Kadyri Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. Several teachers-scientists from Bukhara State University of the Republic of Uzbekistan came to exchange experience. A round table was organized with scientists and teachers of Uzbekistan. An international seminar on the topic "the format of dual education" was also organized jointly with the Lyceum of IT School No. 24 named after S. Yerubayev.
Scientists of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami registered and worked at our university as an international expert.
Organized at the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named afterNizami in Online format. At the plenary session of the scientific and practical conference "PIRLS international assessment program: theory and prospects for its implementation, Associate Professor of the department S. M. Sikhimbayeva made a report on the topic: "Goal–oriented training of future primary school teachers for the formation of 4K skills in students." Tashkent: March 13, 2022. Invited from Bukhara State University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Head of the Department Ermekbayev M. A. visited.
In October 2022, the "Nukus State Pedagogical Institute" named after Azhiniyaz, the department of Associate Professor of Primary Education of NGPI K. P. N.Kallibekova Gulyada Abdullayevna gave a lecture on the educational program 5B010200 - "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education". In order to expand and activate the range of international scientific relations, the teaching staff of the department "Theory and methodology of preschool and primary education" works on the basis of university-level contracts. Together with them, new contracts were signed with the Tashkent State Pedagogical University.Nizami and "Zhizak State Pedagogical University (Uzbekistan), Bukhara State University (Uzbekistan). Cooperation is actively conducted on the basis of these concluded contracts. 2021-2022 O. G. based on these international agreements, lectured, participated in scientific and practical conferences, organized seminars.
On a contractual basis, the Ph.D. of the Department, Associate Professor Esimekbayev M. A. and senior lecturer Ph.D. Esim Ulzhalgas Ashimovna give lectures at the A. Kadyri Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. Several teachers-scientists from Bukhara State University of the Republic of Uzbekistan came to exchange experience. A round table was organized with scientists and teachers of Uzbekistan. An international seminar on the topic "the format of dual education" was also organized jointly with the Lyceum of IT School No. 24 named after S. Yerubayev.
Scientists of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami registered and worked at our university as an international expert.
Organized at the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named afterNizami in Online format. At the plenary session of the scientific and practical conference "PIRLS international assessment program: theory and prospects for its implementation, Associate Professor of the department S. M. Sikhimbayeva made a report on the topic: "Goal–oriented training of future primary school teachers for the formation of 4K skills in students." Tashkent: March 13, 2022. Invited from Bukhara State University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Head of the Department Ermekbayev M. A. visited.

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