South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov is the largest and multidisciplinary university of the Republic of Kazakhstan, scientific, educational, intellectual, cultural center of the region.
The university trains specialists for all sectors of the economy, science and culture of the region, the republic and the world. South Kazakhstan University. M. Auezov is one of the brightest brands in the sphere of higher education of the republic.

Last year, the university took an honorable third place in Kazakhstan in terms of the overall rating and third place in terms of the number of grants won. Currently, more than 1,500 teachers are engaged in teaching activities at the university, of which 4 are academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 4 academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 123 doctors of science, 600 candidates of science. The best scientists and specialists with practical experience, leading scientists from countries near and far abroad, including the USA, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Russia, are involved in the educational process. The material and technical base of the university consists of ten educational buildings of a modern type, two sports complexes, six student dormitories.

Of these, 6766 students - under the state educational grant. As a result of the measures taken, a steady trend towards an increase in the contingent of engineering students has formed. This is also due to the increase in the number of state grants allocated to technical specialties. In 2007, our university won 2375 grants, including 900 in technical specialties, which allowed our university to take the 3rd place in the country in terms of the number of grants. The university has created educational, scientific and industrial complexes together with the leading enterprises of the region, such as JSC "Interkomshina", JSC "Shymkentcement", LLP "Kazphosphate", JSC "Petrokazakhstan", JSC "Melange", "South-West Agrarian Center".

The educational process is organized in such a way that the student, when mastering the practical part of the disciplines of the educational program, implements the main part of practical training in the mode of real work in production. Modern learning technologies have been introduced into the educational process: a credit system, case technology, interactive and innovative teaching methods. The progress of students reached 90%, the number of excellent students increased to 11%. In 2002, as an experiment, the teaching of special disciplines in English was introduced in certain specialties.
For these purposes, the Linguistic Center has been opened at the university, where students and teachers are trained in foreign languages. Now the university has more than 120 teachers who teach classes in a foreign language. On the initiative of the rector of the university, in 2005, on the basis of the employment sector, the Career and Marketing Center was established, which promotes the employment of university graduates through close cooperation with enterprises and organizations, marketing research on the labor market and the educational services market.

And, finally, "technological" is its rector - academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology, doctor of technical sciences, professor Valikhan Kozykeevich Bishimbaev, a leader who not only always keeps up with the times, but also in many ways is ahead. Being at the forefront of domestic science and supplying the best personnel for the economy of our sovereign state - this is the mission of SKSU today.
And only a large-scale personality can lead such a team. Valikhan Bishimbayev was the initiator of the introduction of a module-rating system, credit technology, and a quality management system into the educational process. According to the results of 2005, Valikhan Kozykeevich was awarded the title of "The Best Inventor of Kazakhstan". Valikhan Kozykeevich Bishimbaev - deputy of the regional maslikhat, member of the Central Office of the Nur Otan party. He was awarded high state awards: the Orders of the Badge of Honor, Kurmet and others. Being the author of more than 500 scientific articles, 63 copyright certificates and patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the author of more than 25 textbooks and monographs, V. Bishimbaev is in constant search for solving problems not only of the university, but also of the city, region and the whole republic.