Мedia center
Head of the center:RysbekovaAigulBekmanaliyeva
Head of the Media Center
candidate of pedagogical sciences,
Work place: Main building, office 272
Email: aigul.rysbekova@gmail.com
Мedia center
In order to improve the image of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, since the beginning of November 2019, the Media Service Center has been opened.The main function of the Media Center is to manage the mechanisms for consolidating information about the university and delivering it to the target audience. One of the most important objective of the Media Center is the collection and processing of information flows coming from the structural departments of the university and distribution through the website and social networks.
- formation of a positive media image of the university;
- organization of a common media space of the university;
- updating and filling information on the university website;
- timely release of information to Internet resources;
- providing photo, video filming of events held at the university;
- ensuring the distribution of information and advertising materials about the activities of the university;
- ensuring the availability of information about the university and ongoing events held at the university in the media;
- promotionuniversity academic staffarticlesin national and regional newspapers;
- identification and elimination of problem areas of PR-work on social networks.
PR department
Сотрудники института послевузовского образования

Аналитик:Намиев Амангелді Эралыұлы
Веб дизайнер:Турдалиев Жандос Қалдыбайұлы
Инженер программист:Усенов Шыңғыс Қобланұлы
Видео инженер-видеооператор:Алимкулов Еркебұлан Барыевич