The direction of scientific activity of the doctor of biological Sciences, Professor is connected with developments in the field of ecological biotechnology. For the purpose of conducting scientific research aimed at the integration of the results into production at the beginning of a creative way identified priority environmental problems of the region: the contamination of soil and water resources by oil and oil products, the low efficiency of purification of municipal sewage, the pollution of natural reservoirs, storing anthropogenic metal-containing waste within the boundaries of settlements.
At the initial stage of scientific work, monitoring studies of the environment were carried out, where changes in the structure of the population of plants and microorganisms were identified, deviations in the morphology and anatomy of indicator organisms were established. On the instructions of the largest oil refinery of Kazakhstan LLP "PetroKazakhstan oil products"(PKOP) identified the causes of low efficiency of the biological wastewater treatment plant and developed a method of increasing the activated sludge, tested the method of phytomeliorative wastewater treatment.
Together with young scientists, methods of industrial cultivation of microscopic fungi and thionic bacteria, new strains and compositions of microorganisms of ecological action, methods of biorecultivation of oil-contaminated wastewater and soils, methods of biotesting and purification of soils contaminated with heavy metals have been developed and patented. The composition of microflora of mineral and technogenic wastes of South Kazakhstan was established and the role of microorganisms in bioleaching of valuable components was studied and a patent for a method of processing phosphorus-containing waste with extraction of rare earth elements was obtained. The problem of deactivation of explosive wastes of oil refining complexes with the use of microorganisms is solved.
The range of biological objects under study has expanded from microorganisms, including bacteria, micromycetes, to algae, higher vascular plants and invertebrates, especially the life of which are used in bioindication and bioremediation purposes. Through the use of higher vascular plants have developed the ways of phytoconcentrate polymetallic waste production and fitomelioration wastewater treatment. The role of lubrication as test-objects of the level of soil pollution and soil clean-up from the lead ions, based on the results of the research developed methods of bioindication and soil purification from xenobiotics. Developed a method of producing bio-fertilizers based on seaweed.
All inventions are a long way from the scientific idea through a series of laboratory and pelenochny research to pilot tests at the largest enterprises of South Kazakhstan region. Method bioremediation of oil-contaminated soils and method of biological decontamination of pyrophoric iron sulfides introduced at the largest refinery of Kazakhstan LLP "PetroKazakhstan oil products" in 2003 and 2008, respectively.
Issayeva was the head of 18 grants and the total amount of more than 150.0 million tenge.
Under the leadership Issayeva A. U. 8 candidate dissertations were defended: Saparbekova A. A., Uspabayeva A. A., Ospanova Zh. Kh., Rysbaveva G. A., Tashboltayeva A., Kenzhalieva G., Akinova L. K., Asanbayeva L.; doctoral thesis Elebayeva A. A., doctoral dissertation the PhD Sattarova A. M.
Issayeva A. U. -winner of the prize of NAS of RK.K. Satpaeva (1995), Presidential scholar (1997-2000), scholarship of Akim of South Kazakhstan region (2005), awarded diplomas of MES (2005, 2007), diploma "The best inventor of Kazakhstan for 2001-2005 (2005), badges "for contribution to the development of domestic science" (2009, 2011), the jubilee medal "To the 20th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan", diploma of 3 degrees of JSC "Samruk-Kazyna"-"innovative Kazakhstan" (2012), medals "OKO Eren Enbek ushin" (2013), them. N.And.Vavilova, Nobel (RAE, 2013).
Zhekeyev Malik Kasymovich. Head of the laboratory "problems of ecology" research Institute "Ecology and biotechnology", Professor of HTNV.
ScD, Professor.
Main achievement.
Scientific direction-rational complex use of mineral raw materials and processing of secondary resources, production of pure and high-purity inorganic substances, water management, environmental problems.
Member of the dissertation councils for doctoral and master's theses (SKSU. M. Auezov) and dissertations for candidate of Sciences(Kazakh national University. Al-Farabi); Member of the sectoral Council of the Ministry of industry and trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the development of chemical industry and training; Member of the International Council for the development of nitrogen industry in Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkey and the Balkan Peninsula; Expert of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of chemical technology, ; The independent expert of the National Agency for technological development (NATD).
Honored worker of science of Kazakhstan. The best teacher of the University of Kazakhstan. Awarded: medal "for labor difference" (USSR); commemorative medal "70th anniversary of SKSU. M. Auezov (Kashti)", diplomas of MES RK.
More than 150 publications, including 8 with high I-F, 15 patents, 2 monographs, 2 textbooks, 5 manuals, etc.
Work with industrial enterprises.
Implementation of grant and contractual work with enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan: "Development of technology for fumed silica based on local quartzcolor containing resources", "development of physico-chemical principles of ecologically optimize-based new technologies for processing and disposal of "poor" phosphorus sludge with obtaining ammophos 52/12, elementary yellow phosphorus and organic component of construction materials", "Development of technologies for processing and disposal of phosphogypsum with production of a balanced fertilizer complex type Sul-foamie", etc.
International cooperation.
Coordinator of the international research project "ECOPHOS", no. of the contract: INCO-CT-2005-013359-ECOPHOS, " waste Management in the phosphoric acid industry through the development of environmentally sustainable and environmentally friendly processes for a wide range of phosphorus-containing products»;
Coordinator of the international Norwegian-Eurasian educational project "water Harmony" - Development of three training modules on water resources management and technologies for Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan in cooperation with Norway CPEA-2011/10002;
Coordinator of the international Norwegian-Eurasian educational project "water Harmony-Integration of education, research, innovation and entrepreneurship" (water Harmony-II), CPEA-2015/10036.
Uspabayeva Aigul Amankulova. Head of the laboratory "Biotechnology and Microbiology" Research Institute "Ecology and biotechnology", associate Professor of "Biotechnology".
Candidate of biology.
Main achievement.
Scientific direction-ecological biotechnology, selection and selection of microorganisms promising for biotechnology, obtaining new biological products based on different compositions of microorganisms.
Badge "Honored worker of science and education" (RAE, 2014), medal "Ulagatty ustaz" (2017), medal "Uzdik author" (2017).
More than 110 scientific and scientific-methodical works, including 5 articles with impact factor, 12 patents and prepatents of RK, 2 electronic textbooks, 10 educational and methodical manuals, 6 programs of discipline of higher EDUCATION institution, 3 monographs.
Work with industrial enterprises.
The implementation of the grant and contracts with the enterprises: "Development of a biological product "Parole"-protection of the soil from petroleum products", "Bioreductive-contaminated soils on the territory of JSC "PKOP" using the biological product "Perole", "Development of technology for remediation of oil-contaminated ecosystems in arid zones of Kazakhstan with the use of vital activity of biological objects", "Manufacture of biological products broad-spectrum", "development of a method of biological leaching of lanthanum, cerium and neodymium from complex, phosphorous, lead and zinc wastes in southern Kazakhstan".
Контактные данные:
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Issayeva Akmaral Umirbekovna. Director of the Research Institute of ecology and biotechnology. ScD, Professor Address: 160012. SKR, Shymkent, Tauke Khan Ave. 5, building 2 (a) Phone: +7 701 242 62 68 Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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Zhekeyev Malik Kasymovich Head of the laboratory "problems of ecology" research Institute "Ecology and biotechnology", Professor of HTNV Doctor of engineering Address: 160012. SKR, Shymkent, Tauke Khan Ave. 5, building 1, KAB. One hundred three Phone: +7 777 320 47 67Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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Uspabayeva Aigul Amankulova Head of the laboratory "Biotechnology and Microbiology" Research Institute "Ecology and biotechnology", associate Professor of "Biotechnology". Candidate of biology. Address: 160012. SKR, Shymkent, Tauke Khan Ave. 5, building 2 (a) Phone: +7 775 000 90 46Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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Adenbayeva Akmaral Kanatbekova Junior researcher Research Institute of Ecology and Biotechnology» Address: 160012. SKR,Shymkent, Tauke Khan Ave. 5, building 2. Phone: +7702 641 07 07E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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Omarova Aisulu Kachkynbaeva Specialist WOOK Research Institute of Ecology and Biotechnology» Address: 160012. SKR,Shymkent, Tauke Khan Ave. 5, building 2. Phone: +7702 323 05 94 |
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Ilyasova Aida Bauyrzhanovna Specialist WOOK Research Institute of Ecology and Biotechnology» Address: 160012. SKR,Shymkent, Tauke Khan Ave. 5, building 2. Phone: +7 776 343 16 53 E- mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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Aidarova Guldana Maulenovna Specialist WOOK Research Institute of Ecology and Biotechnology» Address: 160012. SKR,Shymkent, Tauke Khan Ave. 5, building 2. Phone: +7778 891 24 36 E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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Bitabarova Karashash Omarkhanovna Specialist WOOK Research Institute of Ecology and Biotechnology» Address: 160012. SKR,Shymkent, Tauke Khan Ave. 5, building 2. Phone: +7 702 656 34 34 E- mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |