Scientific Center of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics

Objective: The development of fundamental and applied research aimed at the production of competitive specialists.

goal: promoting the growth of the qualification of the teaching staff of the University; promotion of the quality of their research projects; providing opportunities for scientific research, the passage of practice  of students, master students, doctoral students at the base of the scientific center; assistance in the development of scientific projects..

Major achievements, research results, patents, articles, development division. Director of the Scientific Center prof. Sarsenbi A.M. The problem has solved the well-known problem of choosing the associated functions of non-self-adjoint differential operators, a whole class of necessary and sufficient conditions for the Riesz basis property of root vectors of such operators is found. For these results prof.  Sersenbі A.M. was awarded the KI Satpayev Prize. The scientists of the scientific center created the spectral theory of differential operators with involution. The staff of the research center organized in 2014 the international conference ICAAM 2014.

Conference participants

 Published over 30 papers in international journals with impact factor.

 Work with industrial enterprises.  The Center for Theoretical and Applied Mathematics has scientific research links with the Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2012 -2017, the two collaborative research projects were combined with the Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical modeling.

The international cooperation. Joint scientific research of the staff of the scientific center with scientists from Turkey and Russia led to publications in international rating journals.


Contact information for the manager and department

Sarsenbi Abdizhahan Manapuly

doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor . 

Address: 160012. Turkestan region, Shymkent,

st. Baytursynov 24, building 7, room. 323

Phone: +77026110552

Е- mail:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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(8-725-2) 21-01-41

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