Political repression: history and consequences

On May 30, 2018 in the assembly hall of the faculty on work with foreign students and pre-university training of M. Auezov SKSU, within the framework of the program of the Head of the State "The look into the future - modernization of public consciousness", the round table was held on the theme "Political repressions: history and consequences, dedicated to the date" May, 31 - Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repressions».

The main goal of the event is the realization of the process of spiritual modernization by explaining to the students of the faculty the causes and consequences of political repression in the Soviet Kazakhstan, showing the influence of political repression on the fate of the national elite and people, educating the youth of the sense of national identity.

The dean of the faculty, doctor of technical sciences, Professor Alibek Seidekhan Nurmakhanovich spoke about the victims of Stalinist repressions, referred in detail about the life and activities of S. Usenov, A. Usenov - natives of our region.

Senior lecturer Akbota Turgunbayeva spoke about the repressions conducted by the political system of the USSR, and she informed the students about a number of historical facts concerning these events. Senior lecturer Kasym Myrzabekov read the report "The impact of political repression on the fate of the national elite", doctor of philosophical sciences, Beknur Izembayev acquainted with the tragic consequences of repression in Kazakhstan after the Great Patriotic War.

Participants of the round table were shown a video film "Zulmat zhyldar turaly" - "About tragic years". The student of the faculty Meterbai Bagashar read the poem "The people of Alash: yesterday and today", Zabek Marzhan - the poem "In memory of Magzhan Zhumabayev. The musical composition "Eske alu" - "Requiem" performed by Bazarbek Nurzhanat made a great impression on everyone.

Information about tragic pages in the history of our people left a deep imprint in the hearts of listeners.

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