The city forum is a topic «Әйел. Заман. Дәстүр»
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On April 10, 2018 in the assembly hall of the M.Auezov SKSU "Women's Council" within the framework of the article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev "A look into the future: modernization of public consciousness" was organized the city forum on the theme: "Kel. Zaman. Dyster. " The first word was given to the head of the Women's Council of the University, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Academic Secretary Sataeva LM. In her speech she noted that the purpose of the forum was to emphasize the role and place of the people's tradition in promoting the pedagogy and traditions of girls, achieving modern achievements and the success of the city, the region, the republican modeling and the exchange of life experience. During the event, handicrafts, national dishes, lectures and a concert program were presented.