І - ая городская олимпиада по предметам естественно – математического цикла (математика, физика, биология) им. О.А.Жолдасбекова
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On March 31, 2013, the grand opening of the city Olympiad in the natural-mathematical disciplines named after O.A. Zholdasbekova (mathematics, physics, biology), which was organized by Yu. M. Auezov together with the education department of the city of Shymkent and lyceum No. 9 named after. U. Zholdasbekov.
At the opening ceremony, the dean of the scientific-pedagogical higher school of the SKSU named after Yu. M.Auezova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Madiyarov Nurlybay Kakeshovich, Doctor of Education, Professor Kalybekova Asma Akhmetovna, Director of the Methodological Center of the Education Department of the Shymkent City Sagyndykova Kenzhegul Aktotkyzy, Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper "Stas Nary" Anuarbek Beise and O. Zholdasbekova Amankulova Anar Saginbekovna. In the first theoretical round of the Olympiad, 166 students took part who will continue their participation in the second practical stage in SKSU. M. Auezov