Today, at the South Kazakhstan University named after Mukhtar Auezov, a memorial board was unveiled in honor of the prominent statesman and public figure, initiator of the independent establishment of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Nurtas Ondasynov. Additionally, a reading hall named after him was opened. The event was organized within the framework of the scientific-practical conference “Nurtas Ondasynov - History and Personality,” dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the leader.

The conference, aimed at promoting N. Ondasynov’s legacy and highlighting his contributions to the development of the country and nation, featured speeches by statesmen and public figures, including Kuanysh Aitakhanov, Zautbek Turysbekov, Orazgul Asangazy, Ondasynov scholar G. Orazaly, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the “Nurtas Ondasynov Public Fund” S. Tauqebaev, Deputy Mayor of Shymkent S. Kuranbek, as well as representatives of the intelligentsia, professors, and students.

At the scientific conference, Acting Chairman of the University Board, Rector Gani Besbayev, delivered a congratulatory message from the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Sayasat Nurbek.

Gani Abzelbekovich emphasized that Nurtas Ondasynov holds a special place in the history of Auezov University. “In 1943, when the Shymkent Technological Institute was closed due to difficult circumstances, Nurtas made an urgent decision and went to Moscow to meet with Stalin. Thanks to his persistence, the institution was saved. On behalf of our young scholars, we can confidently say that Nurtas Ondasynov’s life and creative legacy will become a central focus of scientific research in the new era,” said G. Besbayev.

Nurtas Ondasynov’s name is closely associated with Kazakhstan’s development. He initiated the establishment of key institutions in the country's oil and gas sector, the Kazakh Academy of Sciences, the Women’s Pedagogical Institute, the Abai Opera and Ballet Theater, the Conservatory, and many other entities.

Participants in the conference shared their memories of the scholar's life and work, and proposed incorporating elements of his intellectual legacy into school curricula.

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