“Explanatory work among the students of the basic provisions of the migration RK”
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On November, 9 th, 2016 there was a meeting with the deputy chief of management of migratory police in South Kazakhstan region, the mayor colonel of police of T.Ospanov on subject matter “Explanatory work among the students of the basic provisions of the migration RK”, on the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The dean of faculty S.N.Alibek addressed to students and has told, that with a view of prevention an offence the environment of students is annually spent meetings by employees MMP of SKR, CNS about ' rules of arriving and a living of foreign citizens in territory of RK. The Deputy mayor of department of migratory police on SKR T.Ospanov has given the information on the rights on duties of foreign citizens during the time of arriving in Republic territory. Including the question on reception of citizenship of RK and change «the law on reception of citizenship of RK» was mentioned. It was noted, about attraction to administration responsibility at infringement of rules arriving of foreign citizens in territory of RК.