International scientific-practical conference “agricultural belts of megapolis and agricultural cooperation in kazakhstan: problems, search and solutions”
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In the President's Address "The Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: Global Competitiveness" it was noted that Kazakhstan should become one of the world's largest producers of agrarian export products. The Made in Kazakhstan brand should become the standard of such products.
One of the real resources of the country's agro-industrial complex is the nascent agro-food belt of megacities of Kazakhstan. The head of state repeatedly set the task of forming around cities - megacities. To fulfill the requirements set by the regional bodies of the country, drafts of the Concept of agro-food belts are drawn up, which require the development of comprehensive programs and measures for its implementation.
In this regard, on November 24-25, 2017 at the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University held the international scientific and practical conference “Agro-food belts of megacities and agricultural cooperation in Kazakhstan: problems, searches and solutions”. The organizers of the conference are Akimat of Shymkent and M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University.
The plenary meeting of the conference began with the speech of the Deputy Akim of Shymkent, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Science, Timur Sultanbekovich Baimukhanov on “Some issues of the concept and model of agro-food belt in Shymkent”. Further, the director of the “Kainar Mai” plant, agricultural cooperatives Sayram-Agro, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Sarmanov Kali Satybaldiyevich made a report on the issues of efficiency of production and processing of safflower and pumpkin and agroconsulting in the agro-food belt of Shymkent; director of “Zeromax” LLP Kalybekov Nurzhan Zhantoreyevich - topic of the report: “Formation of the food belt of Shymkent "Development of agricultural production cooperatives”; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute Ashirov Abdumalik Manapovich - the topic of the report: “To the issue of increasing the yield in the agro-food belts of megacities by the method of biostimulation”; Navolsky Taras from Kazagranom LLP, Ukraine - theme of the report: “Intensive technology of cultivation of vegetables of the closed ground (Holland) in the greenhouse “Kazagronom” of agro-food belt of Shymkent city”; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture Tukhtakuziev Abdusalim, Uzbekistan-topic of the report: “Investigation of the uniformity of the disc harrow along the depth of processing”; Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University and Kozhabayev Mazhit - the theme of the report: “On urgent issues of veterinary safety of agro-food belt of Shymkent city”;
Professors and professors, doctoral students, undergraduates, students, scientists from universities and research institutes of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad, who have significant research results on the conference topics, as well as heads of the Association of Agricultural Cooperatives, the Union of Farmers of Kazakhstan and agricultural enterprises took part in the conference section.
As a result of the conference, a resolution was adopted where were suggested ways of improving research in the field of agro-industrial complex, agro-food belts of megacities; further development of agricultural cooperatives, production of agrarian export products, ecological aspects of reproduction of soil fertility, feeding and breeding of farm animals, increasing the effective use of land, increase in the volume of investment in agricultural research.