On September 28, 2021 was held the XVII scientific and practical conference of young scientists "Auezov Readings" organized by the M. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art in Almaty.
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On September 28, 2021 was held the XVII scientific and practical conference of young scientists "Auezov Readings" organized by the M. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art in Almaty. The conference was dedicated to the 124th anniversary of the birth of the Kazakh writer, public figure, outstanding scientist, winner of the Stalin and Lenin Prizes, who glorified the world-famous Abai, Doctor of Philology, Professor Mukhtar Omarkhanovich Auezov. The conference was opened by the Murat Auezov son of a cultural critic and writer. Daria Perneshovna Kozhamzharova, the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the South Kazakhstan University named after Mukhtar Auezov made a welcoming speech and shared scientific achievements and news related to Abai Studies and Mukhtar Studies. Daria Perneshovna also focused on the meaning and content of the memorial plaque to the descendants of Abai, found on the territory of the chemical factory in Shymkent. The scientific center of the University "Mukhartanu" conducts successful scientific research nowadays. The uniqueness in Mukhtar studies and Abai studies is that it concerns directly the descendants of Hakim. In 1934, a unique relic was discovered in Shymkent, concerning the son of Hakim Abai, Aigerim, Turagul Abayuly and other descendants. It should be noted that as a result of scientific research of the staff “Mukhtartanu" scientific center a unique memorial plaque was found, on which the names of the descendants of Abai Kunanbayuly, the dates of death and burial places are imprinted. On this marble plaque, in addition to poems, it is written that the descendants of Abai Kunanbayev are buried in the Shymkent city. The names of 4 people are also indicated, there are imprinted information in two languages Russian and Kazakh when and where they were buried. Among them are:
Turagul Abayevich-son of Aigerim. 1934, the area of the "Chemical factory ".
Daughter-in-law: Damezhan is Mikayla's wife. 1960. Shukyrsay.
Kamalia-Aubakir's wife. 1962.Kaska cemetery.Grandson: Aubakir is the son of Akylbay. 1933 Koksai This is how the text on the marble looks like. For about 30 years, the memorial plaque was carefully stored in a special department of the Chemical factory. Today, the exhibit has found a place in the scientific center "Mukhtartanu" of our university. Daria Perneshovna noted in her report that currently, scientists of the scientific center “Mukhtartanu” are engaged in a comprehensive study of this valuable relic. She also noted that next year, by the 125th anniversary of Mukhtar Omarkhanovich, university scientists will share unique scientific research and news that they have been doing for many years.
The moderator of this conference was the director of the M. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art Matyzhanov Kenzhehan Slamzhanovich. Also today, the scientific center "Mukhtartanu" held an International scientific conference "The heritage of M. Auezov and the world of modern spirituality", dedicated to the 124th anniversary of the birth of the Kazakh writer, public figure, scientist, Doctor of Philology, professor Mukhtar Auezov.
At the conference, the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Daria Perneshovna, made a welcoming speech, analyzing in detail unknown data about the studies of Abai and Mukhtar: "The works of the great Abai were again textually reviewed by the staff of our center, his work "Kitab Tasdik" was transcribed in the Chagatai language for the first time. The university is preparing for the 125th anniversary of M. Auezov, which will be held next year. In this regard, the Mukhtartanu Center is preparing a collection of memoirs "M. Auezov's Journey to the South". We are sure that this scientific collection will include a lot of data and conclusions that will give a new impetus to the study of M. Auezov's teachings. In particular, the great-grandfather of Mukhtar Omarkhanovich Berdykozha inhabited the regions of Sozak-Shayan in the foothills of Karatau"".
The conference was attended by scientists from near and far abroad, who analyzed the phenomenal aspects of Mukhtar Omarkhanovich.
The conference was moderated by the director of the Research Institute "Social and Humanitarian Sciences" Boranbayev Sandybai Rejepuly.
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