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January 31, 2020 at 10.00 am in the conference hall of the main building of the South Kazakhstan state University.M.Auezov will host the forum "the Idea of forming an intelligent nation begins with Abay", organized by the Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan".
The purpose of the forum is the formation of young people ideas of the great philosopher Abai in the implementation of the article the head of state, President of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan N. And. Nazarbayev "looking to the future: Rouhani gear", "Uly Delany Zheti IRI", decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. K. Tokayev on the celebration of the 175th anniversary of AbayKunanbayev may 30, 2019, of the article "Abai and Kazakhstan in the XXI century" dated January 9, 2020.
Moderator of the forum head of the special Department of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan of the South Kazakhstan state University.M. Auezova, Ph. D., associate Professor EsenalievAskhatEralievich,
Participants of the forum:.M. Auezov,Myrzakhmetov of MekemtasMyrzahmetov-scientist-Abay, doctor of philological Sciences, Professor, KalmuratovMurataliUrazalievich - Deputy Chairman of the Shymkent city of Kazakhstan people's Assembly, head of the Secretariat of the Assembly, Mynbayev Rashid Mahmutovic-head of the Department of culture, language development, and archives of the city of Shymkent, Lean Maksat-candidate of philological Sciences, associate Professor, head of the Center "Abay studies", arystanovaasylzat took the position of acting Director of the state municipal institution" City scientific-universal library" Otyrar " of the Department of culture, language development, and the archives of the city of Shymkent, KalabekovAkzholBatyrovich-candidate of philological Sciences, associate Professor senior researcher research center Montartino, satavaldievAlisherHypergenetic - Director-editor in chief of the newspaper "JanobiKazakistan", the head of the Club of journalists and bloggers under the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, Turkestan region, Pak TimurAndreevich - Chairman of the Youth wing of the Shymkent city branch of the Republican public Association "Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan", the teacher of secondary school №88, IsabekAzimkhan-graduate student of SKSU im.M. Auyezova, "Korkemageler" group at the interethnic cultural Association "Yntymak" of the ANC of Shymkent, MergenbaySezimMergenbaykyzy - a student of the faculty of Philology, AlisherYagshumyradovichKhamraev-a master's student of the SKSU. M. Auezova, Turkmen Republic, SydykAsan-student of the Department of General pedagogy and music education, faculty and students and media representatives.