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On November 29, as part of the celebration the day of the first Presidential College of SKSU.M. Auezov and the Preparatory center held a meeting on "leadership Lessons of modern Kazakhstan". The guest of honor of the event was SpaevTelman, whose student years fell on 1958-1960 years of study in Ukraine, in Dneprodzerzhinsk technical school number. 8, where together with the future President, N. A. Nazarbayev, he comprehended the working specialty " Blast furnaces» The solemn meeting began with the demonstration of a documentary film that highlighted the stages of formation of Independent Kazakhstan, about the contribution of the First President to the development and prosperity of the state. Great interest among students was aroused by the story of Spayev T. about joint study with N. Nazarbayev, who ,like our students, began his career with study and mastering the working specialty. It turned out to be a lively, interested conversation, students received answers to all their questions.
The festive event was continued by a concert program organized by talented youth of the College.The Director of the College S.N. Alibek thanked the guests, participants and noted the importance of the national holiday in the approval in the minds of the people of great independence, the prestige of the country and the President's contribution to the development of Kazakh statehood.