Round table on « Mediation-the key to peace and harmony»

October 29.2019 at 11: 00 am conference hall.S. Suleimenov South Kazakhstan state University. M. Auezov held a round table on " Mediation-the key to peace and harmony." The round table was organized by the "Department for educational work and youth policy" of the South Kazakhstan state University named after M. Auezov and the special Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan".

The purpose of the round table is to provide a full and comprehensive description of the experience of mediators, a plan for the development of mediation in Kazakhstan.

The moderator of the event was the head of the Department "Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" of South Kazakhstan state University.M. Auezov Of Asanaliev Askhat Ergalievich. Director of the Department of educational work and youth policy of the South Kazakhstan state University named after M. Auezov Mazhinbekov Saken Aralbayevich opened the event with an introductory speech. The event was attended by Director of the office of the Republican public Association "Center of development of mediation in Kazakhstan" Akchekirov Laura Muratovna, head of Department "information provision" of the Shymkent city court Duisenbi Ka Turarova, representatives of the media, faculty and students of the faculty.

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