Modernization of introducing subject-language integrated learning in multilingual education of higher education in Kazakhstan and the preparation of CLIL teachers»

On October 3, 2019, an on-line round table was held at the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov on the topic: «Formation and development of the personnel potential of subject-language integrated teaching at a university» with the involvement of scientists from near and far abroad. Organizers of KazNPU named after Abay, Department of Foreign Languages. University professors from the SKU named after M. Auezov attended the seminar, the head of the department of English Linguistics, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Karbozova G.K., chief of the CMPAP Sh. B. Tasybaeva, specialist of the «Оrganization and quality control department teaching in foreign languages» Kosparmakova S.

The purpose of the round table was the exchange of experience on the formation and development of the personnel potential of subject-language integrated teaching at the university, as well as the participants of the round table had the opportunity to express and substantiate their point of view on the problem under discussion.

The introductory remarks were made by doctor of philological sciences, professor of KazNPU named after Abay Ayapov T.T. Scientific supervisor of the project «Modernization of the process of introducing subject-language integrated education in multilingual education of a higher school of the Republic of Kazakhstan by creating an innovative Center for the training and retraining of CLIL teachers».

With reports «Problems of teaching Englisch to non specialists CLILL teachers Biology, Chemistry» Davis Brent PhD professor (USA) Azusa Pacific University and El Camino College, Dalabaeva A.S. PhD professor (China) on the topic «Language aspect in CLILL learning» (Zheijiang Yuexiu University of foreign Languages).

Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Karbozova G.K. head of the Department of English Linguistics, SKU named after M. Auezov made a presentation on «Prospects for the implementation of CLILL – technology at the university».

Doctor of philological sciences, a professor at the department of «Kazakh language and Turkology» of Nazarbayev University Kuzekova A.S. made a presentation on «Кәсіби тілді оқытудың өзекті мәселелері»

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