Meikathon TOM: Shymkent

This summer, July 5 (stage 1) and August 9-13 (stage 2) 2019, the University of Tel Aviv in partnership with the Council of Young Scientists M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University conducts Meikathon TOM: Shymkent Social Project.

The project is designed for inventors, people with open hearts who want to make the world of people with disabilities even better.

Meikathon TOM is a 72-hour marathon in which inventors, developers, engineers and doctors (makers) develop devices to make life easier for people with disabilities (need knowers).

The project consists of stage II:

Stage I - July 05 - PreTOM: The first meeting of teams with nidnourami, which generates ideas and how to translate them into the prototype.

Stage II - August 09-13 - TOM: Team meeting one month after the first stage (after finalizing ideas and consultations with experts). Meikathon stage itself: 72-hour continuous work of teams to create prototypes.

Applications are accepted on the website

Fill out an application and take part in Meikathon “TOM: Shymkent”, and also call your proactive friends, acquaintances, relatives and those who want to improve and change the lives of people with disabilities for the better. You have a unique opportunity to contribute to the empowerment of people with special needs, where you can use all your skills and prove yourself as a social entrepreneur.

The application can be submitted to teams from 3 to 5 people or to individual candidates. Age limit, no profession. Reception of applications starts from June 3 and will end on June 30. July 1 will be the selection of applications by the competent jury. And on July 2, the results will be known. Travel, accommodation, meals and expenses for tools and materials for prototyping are provided by the organizers.

The project runs thanks to the help and support of organizations:

-                   M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University

-                   Council of Young Scientists M.Auezov SKSU


We are waiting for you on the site

For questions, contact the following contacts:

+7 702 199 81 99

+7 7172 26 60 23

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