May 2, 2019 at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University on the basis of the letter of MES № 14-4/996 dated September 27, 2018, a meeting was held to coordinate and approve the plan to attract foreign scientists to lecture and conduct scientific consult
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May 2, 2019 at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University with the participation of Vice-rector for strategic development and internationalization T. Raimberdiyev and heads of departments and teaching staff of SKSU held a meeting to discuss issues and criteria for the selection of foreign scientists under the program of MES of RK for 2019.
During the meeting, Vice-rector for strategic development and internationalization T. Raimberdiyev announced the criteria for the selection of foreign scientists in teaching and research activities and called for special attention to attract leading foreign experts with a high citation index, recognized in the international scientific community, and also noted that, in order to improve the effectiveness of the program, it is necessary to establish joint scientific contact.
During the selection, special attention was focused on the high citation rates of foreign scientists in Hirsch, the field of activity, experience in the field of science, the subject of lectures.
During the meeting, more than 35 potential foreign candidates nominated by faculties and higher schools were considered. As a result, 15 candidates were selected.