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04.24.2019 within the framework of the year 2019 “Year of Youth”, the Regional Prosecutor’s Office of the Turkestan Region organized the competition “PROCUROR OF THE TURKESTAN REGION” CUP, in which participated: the group “АYEZOV КRANDARY” and students of the faculty “Law and International Relations”.
As a result of the team were awarded a diploma of the 2nd degree and in the contest "STUDENT WINNER", a 4-year student of the specialty "Jurisprudence" B. Saparbek was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree and a referral to employment in the regional prosecutor's office of the Turkestan region.
The rest of the team members and supervisors of the teams: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Zh.K.Oryntaev and Senior Lecturer, Master of Law G.S. Dulatov, Prosecutor of the Turkestan Region, General Abdirov Nurgalym Mazhitovich handed diplomas and letters.