"07М01-Педагогикалық ғылымдар" бағыты бойынша Республикалық олимпиада
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On April 10-12, 2019, the Kazakh National pedagogical University named after Abai held the Republican Olympiad in the direction of 07M01 Pedagogical Sciences in order to identify young talented teachers-researchers aimed at the development of pedagogical Sciences in the conditions of social modernization of consciousness and improve the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel. Under the leadership of PhD, associate Professor of "General pedagogy and music education" Usenova A. M. the team "Bolashak" formed from graduate students of psychological and pedagogical specialty distinguished by openness, dynamism, variability, cooperation, scientific and creative approaches of 19 teams won II place. Besides, from the team having caused a stir in the pedagogical skill M. Zhumabay is recommended on the diploma of the Ministry of Education and science We, the team "Bolashak" wish to achieve great success!