“E-S Talks (Education and Scientific Talks)”

On 10th of April, 2019 at Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, a meeting of young scientists and educators “E-S Talks (Education and Scientific Talks)” was held. This meeting was organized by members of the Association of Young Pedagogues-Scientists of Kazakhstan. From the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, the head of the Department of integration of scientific and publishing activities of the Scientific-Research Department - Ainabekov Nurzhan Bauirzhanovich took part in this meeting. During the meeting, technologies “7 T-UP” (Seven Technologies-up) were presented. These new approaches to the training and education of the new generation to science and education were vigorously condemned by the participants of the meeting.

During the event, topical issues of the current state of science and the problems of young researchers in general were discussed. The participants of the meeting exchanged experiences and suggestions on resolving individual issues.

All proposals of the participants of the conference were discussed actively, with the introduction of the necessary additions and changes. Final decisions were included in the resolution on the outcome of this event.

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