Industrial Biotechnology Research Laboratory


Kedelbaev Bakhytzhan Shilmirzaevich

Head of the research laboratory
"Industrial Biotechnology",
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
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1. Employees:

Kedelbaev Bakhytzhan Shilmirzaevich
Head of the research laboratory
"Industrial Biotechnology",
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
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Akhmet Aynagүl
PhD, Researcher
Research Laboratory "Industrial Biotechnology"
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Gani Eskermesovich Kalymbetov
Specialist of the highest qualification level, master
Industrial Biotechnology Research Laboratory
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2. Scientific directions of the Research Laboratory "Industrial Biotechnology":
3. On the basis of the "Industrial Biotechnology" Research Institute, international cooperation is carried out in various scientific areas:
4. Results of the study:

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160012, Shymkent City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


(8-725-2) 21-01-41

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