Электронные книги: Selective chapters of organic chemistry: Polymer chemistry
Заголовок:      Selective chapters of organic chemistry: Polymer chemistry
Категории:      Мультимедийные учебники
BookID:      499
Авторы:      K.A. Urazbayeva, S.K. Iskakova
ISBN-10(13):      0
Дата публикации:      2017
Количество страниц:      0
Язык:      Русский
Цена:      0.00
Оценка:      0 
Изображение:      cover

6M072800 “Polymers” presents fundamentals of polymer chemistry, polymerization mechanisms, plastic recycling so called the “Big Six”, general applications of plastics.so called the “Big Six”plastics are discussed: Polyethylene (LDPE, HDPE, and LLDPE), Polypropylene, Polyninyl chloride, Polystyrene, Polyethylene terephthalate. devoted to Polylactic acid (PLA). Each In the section “Uses …” typical applications of the given plastic materials are illustrated. In the section “Monomer …” history, chemistry and manufacturing of raw material for polymerization (polycondensation) process are considered.“Plastic Processing” is devoted to the most significant polymer processing methods.



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