6B05340 Chemical, forensic and environmental examination



Name of the EP

6В05340 - «Chemical, forensic and environmental examination»

Code and Classification of Education

6B05 - Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

6B053 - Physical and chemical sciences

Group of educational programs (EP)

В053 -  Chemistry

Language learning

Kazakh, Russian

The complexity of EP

240 credits

Distinctive features of EP


Partner University (JEP) -


Purpose of the EP


Training of competitive specialists with skills and competencies in the field of chemistry and chemical, environmental and forensic expertise for the implementation of scientific, professional and practical activities.

Name of the degree awarded

Bachelor of Science 

Field of professional activity

- systems of judicial, forensic and forensic examination;

- industries - chemical, pharmaceutical, food, petrochemical, industries;

- research area;

- bodies for environmental protection and ecology;

Learning out comes

LО1 Demonstrate public, natural science, socio-economic and environmental knowledge in personal and professional activities;

LО2 Communicate freely in a professional environment and society in Kazakh, Russian and English, taking into account the principles of academic writing, a culture of academic honesty;

LО3 Demonstrate natural science, mathematics, engineering knowledge, possess information and computational literacy, the ability to generalize, analyze and perceive information, set a goal and choose ways to achieve it;

LО4 Offer the optimal parameters of the research process, using methods for processing experimental data;

LO5 Establish the chemical composition, nature and properties of various substances and materials based on theoretical knowledge of fundamental chemistry;

LO6 Summarize the results of analytical methods for the analysis of substances and materials and apply them in forensic, forensic, environmental, chemical expertise;

7 Conduct an examination of raw materials and products in the chemical and environmental fields based on fundamental knowledge of applied chemistry;

LO8 Apply the current legislation, legal acts in expert activities, recommend the results for solving production problems;

LO9 Analyze and process the results of the examination of goods from various industries and the environment in order to formulate conclusions and conclusions;

LO10 Draw up acts of examination of material evidence of forensic and forensic examination.

LO11 Apply research, entrepreneurial skills to solve problems in the professional sphere;

LO12 Work effectively in a team through self-education and self-education, defend your point of view, correct your actions;

LO13 Summarize the knowledge of pharmaceutical chemistry acquired in the framework of additional education and apply the skills of quality control and storage of medicines.

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