7M07162 Chemical technology of inorganic substances

 Education Program PASSPORT


EP title

7М07162 Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances

Code and Classification of the Field of Education

7М07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Civil Engineering

Code and Classification of Training Direction

7М071  Engineering and Engineering Trades

Group of Educational Programs

M097 Chemical Engineering and Processes

Language of  Training

English, Russian, Kazakh

EP complexity

120 credits

Distinctive features of  EP


University Partner ( JEP)


EP goal

Preparation of popular scientific and pedagogical personnel in the direction of "Chemical Engineering" for the system of higher education and science.

Name of the degree awarded

«Master of Technical Sciences»

Professional area


·     Industrial enterprises for the production of inorganic compounds;

·     higher education institutions;

• research and projects institutes

Learning outcomes

LО1 Critically analyze scientific and technical information in the field of chemical engineering, applying knowledge of a foreign language ad information resources, summarizing research results in scientific articles, reports and dissertation taking into account principles of scientific ethics.

LО2 Analyze ideological and methodological problems, including of interdisciplinary nature based on provisions of the philosophy of science and research methodology.

LО3 Apply scientific organization of pedagogical activity in higher education demonstrating possession of socio-psychological technologies for managing mass behavior, effective teaching methods in the field of chemical engineering.

LО4 Effectively manage the team, exercise leadership, creativity and critical thinking when making operational management decisions in non-standard situations in professional activities.

LО5 Organize operational dispatch control of the production process for obtaining inorganic compounds, applying knowledge and skills to analyze problems in interdisciplinary related fields of knowledge.

LО6 Suggest ways to modernize the technological scheme of production, new methods of recycling industrial waste from  production of inorganic substances and compounds based on analysis of modern achievements in science and technology.

LО7 Independently plan and carry out scientific research, substantiating and proving research results when discussing with specialists and a wider audience in domestic and international scientific community.

LО8 Analyze the experimental results and results of mass and heat calculations of studied chemical-technological processes using mathematical modeling programs to justify the optimal production mode.

LО9 Develop acquired knowledge and skills to a level that allows to study in a doctoral program, to improve qualification lifelong.

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