Center for Additional Education
Rysdauletov Raimberdi – Candidate of Engineering, associate professor, head of the center for additional education Mobile phone: 8707 554 24 20 Office phone: 8 7252 30 12 35 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Myrzatayeva Gulnar chief specialist of the center for additional education Mobile phone: 8701 791 73 27 Office phone: 301235 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Baibotayeva Saltanat HLQ specialist of the center for additional education Mobile phone: 8775 317 57 23 Office phone: 301235 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Tatimova Marta HLQ specialist of the center for additional education Mobile phone: 8778 555 42 24 Office phone: 301235 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Center for additional education
The advanced training department of scientific and pedagogical personnel of the Department of Academic Affairs is engaged in the development of professional skills and updating the theoretical and practical knowledge of the teaching staff in accordance with modern requirements for the level of qualification and the need to master innovative methods for solving professional problems. And also, obtaining additional knowledge, abilities and skills in educational programs that provide for the study of individual disciplines, sections of science, engineering and technology necessary to perform a new type of professional activity.
The main tasks of the center:
- planning, organizing and improving the process of advanced training of the faculty of the university according to the annual and long-term plans of the departments;
- organization and control of the process of continuing education of faculty in accordance with the QMS SKSU PR 6.03-2014 "Management of processes for the development of personnel”
- increasing the visibility of continuing education courses;
- creating the necessary conditions for the development of advanced forms and methods of educational activity;
- timely and high-quality organization of advanced training courses on a paid basis at the request of universities, organizations, institutions and individuals.
The main functions of the сenter:
• organization of advanced training of teaching staff in intra-university courses in accordance with the taught disciplines;
• organization of continuing education courses, seminars, master classes in the direction of the educational program;
• intensification of mutual cooperation with leading universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, industry and scientific centers through courses and internships;
• improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the continuing education system, disseminating the best practices of teaching staff.
• organization of advanced training courses with the invitation of foreign lecturers from near and far abroad.
All continuing education courses are designed to further improve the teaching skills of the university faculty. At refresher courses, students get acquainted with new innovative technologies, acquire skills in applying these methods in the educational process.
The advanced training department of scientific and pedagogical personnel of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov conducts advanced training courses for the faculty of universities and colleges in the specialties and thematic courses (Appendix 1). It is possible to start a continuing education course for an individual program from any day during the school year (at the request of the student).
Course duration - 2 weeks (72 hours), 1 week (36 hours). During this period, the teacher (student) can be trained in an individual curriculum.
The cost of training is 23000 tenge (72 hours), 12000 tenge (36 hours).
For the purposes of organized training and advanced training, we ask you to submit an application in advance.
For enrollment, students must submit the following documents:
- application (indicating the specialty);
- identity card (copy);
- a receipt for tuition fees or a copy of the payment order.
Persons who have completed courses are issued a certificate (special sample).
Details: RSE on the right of economic management "SKSU named after M. Auezov", address: Shymkent, 5 Tauke Khan Ave., Eurasian Bank JSC, TIN 582100003432 IIC code 16: KZ9894815KZT22032170 BIC: EURIKZKA BIN: 990240005557. Purpose of payment: for advanced training.
Our address: 5, Tauke Khan Ave., Shymkent, 160012, Main building, room 213. , Center for additional education, tel.: 8 (725) 2 301235.