“The best writer”

On 22nd May,  2019 at 11:00  the Department of  Language Development held the competition  “The best writer” on the theme “Education in Kazakhstan in 10 years”. The main aim of the conference are: to investigate the views of participants to the educational system of the Republic of Kazakhstan and determine their level of knowledge of the English language (in lexical, grammatical areas). During the writing an essay  participants considered the following questions:

1. Contemporary situation of education at present time

2. Perspectives of educational system development during next 10 years

3. Expectations and Conclusion

The competition was attended by the lecturers of SKSU, who had studied at the English language courses during the year. The competition was held in written form. The translator of the Department of  Language Development  L.N. Belousova, the English language teachers S.D. Khamzaeva, A. Zhanalieva and N.M. Tursynbek were the members of the evaluation commission.

During the evaluation of works special attention was devoted to the following criteria: content of the composition (at least 150-200 words), grammatical literacy and vocabulary. The participants of the competition were awarded incentive prizes who showed high results .

I place was taken by G.Т.Zhakypbekova teacher , associate professor of the Higher School of  Natural scientific pedagogy, II place - Otunshieva A. teacher of the Faculty of  Mechanics and Oil and Gas Business, III place - A.N. Bayzhanova teacher of the Higher School of Agricultural Sciences and Mekenbaeva E.A. teacher of the Faculty of  Pedagogy and Culture.

We hope the competition will be continued next year.

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