Электронды кітаптар: Accreditation of bodies for certification and testing laboratories (Centers)
Title:      Accreditation of bodies for certification and testing laboratories (Centers)
Categories:      Мультимедийные учебники
BookID:      46
Authors:      Тулекбаева А.К.,Сабырханов Д.С.,,Курмангалиев С.Ш.,Мырхалыков Б.С.,Кенжеханов М.Б.
ISBN-10(13):      0
Publication date:      2017
Number of pages:      0
Language:      Russian
Price:      0.00
Rating:      0 
Picture:      cover

The textbook is intended for students of the speciality 5B073200- «Standartization and sertification» when studying the discipline 2 «Accreditation of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers)». The textbook contains information on the history and development of accreditation as a mechanism for building trust between countries through mutual recognition of test results and products, services, personnel, management system.



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