

«585761-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Повышение компетенции в области устойчивого управления отходами в вузах России и Казахстана / EduEnvi

Университеты-партнеры: Университет прикладных наук Тампере, ТАМК, Финляндия (грантополучатель); Erhvervsakademiet Lilleblt, Дания; Университет Вальядолида, Юва, Испания; Университет ИТМО (бывший Санкт-Петербургский национальный исследовательский университет информационных технологий, механики и оптики), Россия; Уральский федеральный университет имени Первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина, УрФУ, Россия; Тюменский государственный университет, ТГУ, Россия; Казахский национальный университет им. Аль-Фараби, КазНУ, Казахстан; Кокшетауский государственный университет им. Ш.Уалиханова, КокГУ, Казахстан; Южно-Казахстанский государственный университет им. М. Ауэзова, ЮКГУ, Казахстан.

Основная цель проекта:

Основная цель проекта - модернизация, повышение доступности и интернационализация высшего образования в области физических наук и охраны окружающей среды в Казахстане и России. Эта цель будет достигнута путем наращивания потенциала местного академического персонала (основной целевой группы проекта) в участвующих университетах стран-партнеров 1) в области устойчивого управления отходами и 2) в области новейших европейских педагогических подходов. Кроме того, восемь модулей онлайн-обучения будут построены на устойчивом управлении отходами, чтобы принести пользу вторичной целевой группе, студентам и сотрудникам компании / местных / региональных властей.

Цели проекта :

- Посредством учебных занятий целевая группа будет перенимать новейшие исследования, передовой опыт и новейшие технологии в Европе в области устойчивого управления отходами.

- после учебных занятий и коллегиальной оценки преподаватели смогут объединить отраслевое сотрудничество для определения определений компетенций для новых учебных программ, а также о последних подходах к построению учебных программ.

- целевая группа сможет интегрировать методы предпринимательства и инноваций в учебные модули

- целевая группа сможет выбрать наиболее подходящие с педагогической точки зрения инструменты электронного обучения для каждой цели обучения, например. для совместного накопления знаний, мозгового штурма, сбора отзывов, проверки знаний. 

- на основе вышеуказанных знаний построить восемь модулей онлайн-обучения по устойчивому управлению отходами (каждый университет создаст один-два модуля из 6-9 ECTS)

Ожидаемые результаты:

Обучение, предоставляемое по составлению учебной программы, технологиям электронного обучения и педагогике, будет способствовать обновлению образования в области устойчивого управления отходами в соответствии с европейскими и мировыми стандартами. Новые модули онлайн-обучения предложат студентам гибкие и инклюзивные траектории обучения, внедрение инновационных методов и вопросы сотрудничества между промышленностью и университетом предоставят студентам соответствующие навыки и знания, необходимые в трудовой жизни. Эти модули, а также новые и модернизированные учебные программы по устойчивому управлению отходами, встроенные в проект, позволят обучать специалистов нового уровня магистра, а также непрерывно и на протяжении всей жизни обучать людей, занятых в промышленности в области устойчивого управления отходами, для решения насущных экологических проблем в обоих направлениях. страны.

Более подробную информацию вы можете найти, перейдя по ссылке на сайт наших проектов:

Информационный день, проведенный 26 апреля 2018 года в Южно-Казахстанском государственном университете им. М. Ауэзова, участниками проекта 585761-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP «Повышение компетентности в области устойчивого обращения с отходами. Менеджмент в университетах России и Казахстана / EduEnvi »совместно с ППС кафедры« Биотехнология »Высшей школы« Химическая инженерия и биотехнология »был посвящен целям проекта, задачам, тем, какие работы выполняются в настоящее время, и ожидаемые результаты проекта. На встречу были приглашены администрация университета, преподаватели, студенты, магистранты, докторанты, а также преподаватели и студенты других вузов Южно-Казахстанской области, представители предприятий.

В этот же день участники проекта 585761-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP «Повышение компетенции в области устойчивого управления отходами в университетах России и Казахстана / EduEnvi» были приглашены на встречу с участники Круглого стола «Архимед и вечный двигатель», организованного для встречи студентов с ведущими учеными ЮКГУ им. М. Ауэзова на тему «Цифровой Казахстан, наука в инновационном направлении, технический прогресс и зеленая экономика», который прошел в 15.00 на базе ЮКГУ им. М. Ауэзова. Региональный менеджер проекта Ботагоз Муталиева представила проект, который представил информацию широкой аудитории.

November 13, 2019, a webinar was held as part of the conference

Webinar titled "Formation of IT competence of students in the field of natural sciences", carried out within the framework of the Republican forum "Digital education: features and development process" was held on November 13, 2019, organized between  Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, al-Farabi Kazakh national University, Abay Kazakh national pedagogical University, South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Taraz State Pedagogical University, DosmukhamedovAtyrau State University.

M. Auezov SKSU as a country coordinator of the Project 585761-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP "Enhancing Competence in Sustainable Waste Management in Universities of Russia and Kazakhstan / EduEnvi" took an active part in a webinar with the involvement for participation of project partner universities, at which the project coordinator from M. Auezov SKSU, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of "Biotechnology" BotagozMutaliyeva represented results of the project with a report titled “Development of online courses in Sustainable Waste Management in Universities of Russia and Kazakhstan in the framework of the EduEnvi project ”.Information about readiness of the courses for the start of piloting, which will take place in the end of November and that finished by analysis in early January 2020 have been presented. In addition, a video about the project was shown. The participants in the webinar took an active part in the discussion, so questions were asked about the introduction of courses in the educational process. Developed courses it is planned to be introdused into existing Master degree programs after the complete readiness for use in the next educational year.


March 31, 2020-webinar

The International project titled «585761-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Enhancing Competences of Sustainable Waste Management in Russian and Kazakh HEIs / EduEnviis implemented in theAt M. AuezovSouth Kazakhstan State University. In the framework of this project the online courses are being developed to train specialists in the field of sustainable waste management.Online courses in this difficult time for humanity are especially relevant.

            The project was started in October 2017 and the main aim of the project is to modernize, improve the accessibility and to internationalize the higher education in Physical sciences and Environmental protection in Kazakhstan and Russia.During the project, teachers had intensive training at partner universities in Europe: Finland, where they were trained on the use of innovative technologies in online learning, such as Socrative, Aswergarden, padlet, prezi, screecastmatic, google my maps, zoom, etc. The workshop at the Lillebaelt University of applied Sciences in Denmark teachers gave attention for using of problem-based learning methods aimed at developing scientific thinking and collaboration between the University and industry, as well as workshops at the University of Valladolid were aimed to study the latest best practices in sustainable waste management.

The project Manager in the M. Auezov SKSU is candidate of chemical sciences, Associate Professor at the Biotechnology department BotagozMutaliyeva. Teachers who developed courses are candidate of biological sciences, Associate Professor AlmiraSaparbekova, and Ph. D., senior lecturer at the Biotechnology department MadinaDzhakasheva. In addition, it is necessary to emphasize the important role of those project participants, without whom the project could not have been successful: candidate of chemical sciences, Associate Professor GaliyaMadybekova, who carried out the project's communication between project and industry, and with associated partners universities, AdilbiJakash, responsible for high-quality video lectures shooting, GaniKalymbetov, providing loading of courses on the platform of al-FarabiKazNU, PerizatParmankulova and KairatNurmanbetov, who provided assistance in organizational matters of the project.

            The project has already piloted more than 20 online courses, which were prepared by partner universities from Kazakhstan, Russia, Finland, Spain, and Denmark.

On March 31, 2020, a webinar was held on the results of the EduEnvi project. More than 50 people took part in the webinar. The participants of the webinar were teachers, students, representatives of enterprises, as well as interested parties from Kazakhstan, Russia, Spain, Denmark, Finland and Greece. The webinar demonstrated the results of piloting courses uploaded to the platforms of al-Farabi Kazakh national University and St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.

            As a result, the project participants developed 8 online training modules on sustainable waste management, in which each university developed 1-2 modules, consisting of 6-9 ECTS, 20 courses, in which teachers integrated entrepreneurship and innovation methods into training modules, selected the best pedagogically appropriate e-learning tools for each educational goal. The developed online courses will support updatingof the education in Sustainable Waste Management to meet the European and global standards, as the new online learning modules offer students flexible and inclusive learning paths, using innovative methods and industry-university cooperation issues, providing students with relevant skills and knowledge needed in working life. The developed courses will enable not only the education of new Master’s degree levels, but can also be used for continuous and lifelong training for persons employed by industry in Sustainable Waste Management to solve burning environmental problems in both countries.

April 23, 2020-webinar

International webinar organized by the EduEnvi project on the basis of M. Auezov SKSU, in the framework of the International scientific-practical conference “Auezov readings - 18: the spiritual heritage of the great Abay”


On April 23, 2020, within the framework of the International Scientific- Practical Conference “Auezov Readings - 18: Spiritual Heritage of the Great Abai”, devoted to the 175h anniversary of AbaiKunanbayev, the international webinar on section 10 “The contribution of the Erasmus + Program to Improving the competitiveness of universities and their integration into the world scientific space” was held.

The webinar was attended by 40 people from universities in different countries, such as Finland, Spain, Denmark, Russia, Kazakhstan. The moderator of the webinar organized by the participants of the project «585761-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Enhancing Competences of Sustainable Waste Management in Russian and Kazakh HEIs / EduEnvion the basis of M. AuezovSKSU, was BotagozMutaliyeva,candidate of chemical sciences, Associate Professor of the “Biotechnology” department. The purpose of the webinar was not only to disseminate the results of the project, but also to exchange experience in the field of education and science, to reveal the pressing problems of the modern world.

Ella Kallio presented a report prepared jointly with colleagues from the Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland, and KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Kazakhstan, where she shared the results of piloting the project courses, with the developing online pedagogy in the field of sustainable waste management in Kazakh and Russsian HEIs.

The results of the course development within the framework of the project were made by AlmiraSaparbekova,Ph.D., Associate Professor of the “Biotechnology” department, and AigulKurmanbaeva,Associate Professor of Sh. UalikhanovKokSU, who shared the results of a sociological survey conducted with respondents regarding the sorting of municipal solid waste in the Kokshetaucity, as well as the need to improve environmental literacy of the population.

Scientists from the University of Applied Sciences in Odense, Denmark, Elizabeth Agerbek and Ellen Houmoller made a presentation on the importance of professional training of the future teachers for innovative activities in the field of education, making young adult students aware of their potential and encourage and motivate them to develop their competencies is a challenge for both teachers and the learners themselves.

Silvia Bolado and Pedro Garcia from the University of Valladolid, Spain, shared with the results of their scientific research in the field of biotechnology, namely, with study of the effect of pretreatments and enzymatic hydrolysis on cell wall of microalgae grown in piggery wastewater treatment plants to optimize downstream processing.

Colleagues from Russia, from the "ITMO national research University, St. Petersburg, Russia, such as Sergeeva I., Kovalenko B., Orlova O., Dinkelaker N. made a number of reports, such as the disclosure and solution of a number of problems of distance and online learning, which cause a need in connection with the relevance of the modern world, researches of entrepreneurship in the digital economy,  study of the protective function of aquatic vegetation communities of the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea with regard to the conservation of the quality of abiotic components of local coastal ecosystems, as well as investigation of heaby metals content in wild berries and mushrooms at various distances from industrial facilities.

Themes of reports of Professor Sergei Polbitsyn from Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, UrFU, Russia, as well as Dmitry Rudenko from Tyumen State University, Russia, were associated with the problems and opportunities of science and education, with institutional aspects in the study of municipal waste management in educational programs.PerizatParmankulova from M. AuezovSKSU drew the attention of the audience to the creation of an inclusive environment for distance learning for people with disabilities, and that the courses of the EduEnvi project can be applied to such people.

An interesting report was made by teachers from ShymkentNazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology, Shymkent, Kazakhstan, AssylzhanZhunuskhojayev, who spoke about the Microsoft Teams platform is an effective for organizing distance and online learning in educational institutions, and MiraBeisenova, who highlighted the topic related to the development of students critical thinking by use of STEAM training elements at project works creation.

Thus, many issues were discussed at the webinar, especially in light of the application of innovative technologies in the field of education, science, etc.




May 14, 2020 webinar

May 14, 2020 at M. Auezov SKSU was organized a webinar on the topic "The experience of European universities in the implementation of Erasmus + structural projects: Global challenges and modern trends", the purpose of which was to broadcast the best practices of European partner universities in the framework of the Erasmus + projects. The moderator of the webinar was Iskakova Aigul Toleutaevna - Candidate of  Pedagogical Sciences, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Internationalization of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University.

The manager of the EduEnvi project from M. Auezov SKSU Mutaliyeva B. Zh. ensured the involvement of representatives of partner universities to participate in the webinar with purpose of dissemination and impact of the project. Ella Kallio, coordinator of the EduEnvi project from the Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Finland), made a presentation at the webinar with the "Experience of Tampere University of Applied Sciences in the implementation of Erasmus + projects", which shared the experience of implementation, as well as the results of the EduEnvi project, also S. N. Polbitsyn, from the Ural Federal University, with the topic: Principles of the EduEnvi project implementation: in practice of the Ural Federal University.


May 26, 2020 webinar

May 26, 2020, EduEnvi project participants MutaliyevaB.Zh., Olga Sergienko from St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO), St. Petersburg, Russia, SiskoMullinen from the School of Professional Teacher Education Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland, took part in an extraordinary meeting of the educational and methodological association - the project management group (EMA-PMG) in the direction of staff training with higher and postgraduate education at the M. Auezov SKSU on the topic: Global challenges and new trends in higher education in post-Covid-19 conditions / pandemic.

Dr. SiskoMullinen made a presentation: Finnish Higher Edducation Online:  Learning  and Warnings (Notes, Recommendations), in which she shared their experience on how to conduct online socialization before introducing content, the benefits of blended learning, that that works best, about necessity to plan activities more than materials, make the instructions extra clear, and what to do to avoid mistakes.

Olga Sergienko shared their experience and peculiarities of the transition to distance learning at ITMO University before and during the pandemic.

Thus, the participants of the EduEnvi project took an active part in the webinar, and the opportunity to disseminate ideas and results of the project, as well as to increase the impact of the project at the international and institutional levels.


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